Glasgow Ski Racing

Affiliated toSnowsport Scotland
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Results shown for 2023 2022 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008
Date Slope Event Format Race Rank Category Competitor
Name Rank
16-Jul-2023 Chill Factore (Manchester) GBR (English Indoor & GBR 4) U10 and U12 Male u10 Boy PRENELLE Arthur
16-Jul-2023 Chill Factore (Manchester) GBR (English Indoor & GBR 4) U10 and U12 Male u12 Boy HEAP Will
16-Jul-2023 Chill Factore (Manchester) GBR (English Indoor & GBR 4) U10 and U12 Male u12 Boy MACPHERSON Ruaraidh
16-Jul-2023 Chill Factore (Manchester) GBR (English Indoor & GBR 4) U10 and U12 Male u12 Boy MORRISON Cillean
16-Jul-2023 Chill Factore (Manchester) GBR (English Indoor & GBR 4) U10 and U12 Male u12 Boy HUDMAN Ruaridh
16-Jul-2023 Chill Factore (Manchester) GBR (English Indoor & GBR 4) U10 and U12 Male u10 Boy BIRRELL Finlay
15-Jul-2023 Chill Factore (Manchester) GBR (eola GBR Indoor 3) U10 and U12 10 Male u12 Boy 5 MACPHERSON Ruaraidh
15-Jul-2023 Chill Factore (Manchester) GBR (eola GBR Indoor 3) U10 and U12 14 Male u12 Boy 8 MORRISON Cillean
15-Jul-2023 Chill Factore (Manchester) GBR (eola GBR Indoor 3) U10 and U12 22 Male u10 Boy 3 PRENELLE Arthur
15-Jul-2023 Chill Factore (Manchester) GBR (eola GBR Indoor 3) U10 and U12 29 Male u12 Boy 17 HUDMAN Ruaridh
15-Jul-2023 Chill Factore (Manchester) GBR (eola GBR Indoor 3) U10 and U12 29 Male u10 Boy 5 BIRRELL Finlay
15-Jul-2023 Chill Factore (Manchester) GBR (eola GBR Indoor 3) U10 and U12 37 Male u12 Boy 20 HEAP Will